VRESAP Pipeline

Project Name:Vaal River Eastern Sub-system Augmentation Project

Project Date: November 2005 to December 2009

Project Description:
The pipeline transfers water from the Vaal dam to the diversion structure at Knoppiesfontein near Secunda. From there, it is discharged into either the Trichardtsfontein dam, for Eskom’s supply, or Bosjesspruit dam, for Sasol.

Project Details:
V020 Pipeline supply and install – A pipeline 1900mm in diameter and approximately 115km long (Rising Main)
Pipeline 1200/1000mm in diameter and approximately 5.6km long (Gravity Main)
Installation of Cathodic protection to the pipeline.

Project Value: R1.6 Billion (In Joint Venture with Group 5 and M&R)

Trans Caledon Tunnel Authority (TCTA)

Project Gallery: